Source: tvmaze.js

 * @overview A promise-based JavaScript wrapper for the
 * [TVmaze API]{@link}.
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @author Ajay Thomas <>
 * @license MIT
var TVmaze = (function tvMaze() {
   * @module TVmaze
  'use strict';

  var rootURL = "";

   * Retrieve the JSON API response.
   * @param {String} url The API request URL.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>} Array of objects.
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
   * @private
  function getJSON(url) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
      var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
      req.responseType = 'json';
      req.onload = function() {
        if (req.status == 200) {
        else {

      req.onerror = function() {
        reject(Error("Network Error"));


   * Retrieve search results.
   * @param {String} query The search query.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>} Search results.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.showSearch("breaking bad").then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function showSearch(query) {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/search/shows?q=" + encodeURIComponent(query));

   * Retrieve a single search result.
   * @param {String} query The search query.
   * @returns {Promise.<Object>} Single search result.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.singleSearch("orange is the new black").then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function singleSearch(query) {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/singlesearch/shows?q=" +

   * Retrieve information about the show from
   * [TVRage]{@link} or
   * [TheTVDB]{@link}.
   * @param {Number} id The show's TVRage or TheTVDB ID.
   * @param {String} source Either <b>tvrage</b> or <b>thetvdb</b>.
   * @returns {Promise.<Object>} Information about the show.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.showLookup(257655, "thetvdb").then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function showLookup(id, source) {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/lookup/shows?" + source + "=" + id);

   * Retrieve a list of people.
   * @param {String} query The search query.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>} List of people.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.peopleSearch("andrew lincoln").then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function peopleSearch(query) {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/search/people?q=" + encodeURIComponent(query));

   * Retrieve a complete list of episodes that air in a given country on a
   * given day.
   * @param {String|null} countryCode ISO 3166-1 code of the country. If set to
   *     null, it returns the schedule for the US.
   * @param {String|null} date ISO 8601 formatted date. If set to null, it
   *     returns the schedule for the current day.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>}
   * @example <caption>countryCode and date</caption>
   * TVmaze.schedule("GB", "2015-11-28").then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @example <caption>Only countryCode</caption>
   * TVmaze.schedule("FR").then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @example <caption>Only date</caption>
   * TVmaze.schedule(null, "2015-11-27").then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function schedule(countryCode, date) {
    var schedURL = "/schedule";
    if(countryCode && date) {
      schedURL += "?country=" + countryCode + "&date=" + date;
    else if (countryCode && !date) {
      schedURL += "?country=" + countryCode;
    else if (!countryCode && date) {
      schedURL += "?date=" + date;

    return getJSON(rootURL + schedURL);

   * Retrieve a list of all future episodes known to TVmaze, regardless of
   * their country.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>} List of all future episodes.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.fullSchedule().then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function fullSchedule() {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/schedule/full");

   * Retrieve all primary information for a given show.
   * @param {Number} id TVmaze ID of the show.
   * @returns {Promise.<Object>} Primary information for a given show.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.shows(82).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function shows(id) {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/shows/" + id);

   * Retrieve a complete list of episodes for the given show.
   * @param {Number} id TVmaze ID of the show.
   * @param {Boolean|null} specials If <b>true</b>, the list will include
   *     specials.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>} Complete list of episodes for the
   *     given show.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.showEpisodeList(335).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @example <caption>Include special episodes</caption>
   * TVmaze.showEpisodeList(335, true).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function showEpisodeList(id, specials) {
    var apiURL = "/shows/" + id + "/episodes";
    if (specials) {
      apiURL += "?specials=1";
    return getJSON(rootURL + apiURL);

   * Retrieve one specific episode of the show given the season and episode
   * number.
   * @param {Number} id TVmaze ID of the show.
   * @param {Number} season Season number.
   * @param {Number} episode Episode number.
   * @returns {Promise.<Object>} Information about the episode.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.episodeByNumber(171, 6, 22).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function episodeByNumber(id, season, episode) {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/shows/" + id + "/episodebynumber?season=" +
      season + "&number=" + episode);

   * Retrieve all episodes of the show that have aired on a specific date.
   * @param {Number} id TVmaze ID of the show.
   * @param {String} date ISO 8601 formatted date.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>}
   * @example
   * TVmaze.episodeByDate(431, "1994-09-22").then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function episodeByDate(id, date) {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/shows/" + id + "/episodesbydate?date=" + date);

   * Retrieve a list of main cast for the show.
   * @param {Number} id TVmaze ID of the show.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>} List of main cast for the show.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.showCast(1369).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function showCast(id) {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/shows/" + id + "/cast");

   * Retrieve a list of aliases for the show.
   * @param {Number} id TVmaze ID of the show.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>} List of aliases for the show.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.showAKAs(73).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function showAKAs(id) {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/shows/" + id + "/akas");

   * Retrieve a list of all shows in the TVmaze database, with all primary
   * information included. This endpoint is paginated with a maximum of 250
   * results per page. Pagination is based on show ID.
   * @param {Number} pageNumber The page number.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>} List of shows in the TVmaze database.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.showIndex(5).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function showIndex(pageNumber) {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/shows?page=" + pageNumber);

   * Retrieve all primary information for a given person.
   * @param {Number} id TVmaze ID of the person.
   * @param {Boolean|null} embed If <b>true</b>, embeds cast credits for the
   *     person.
   * @returns {Promise.<Object>} All primary information for a given person.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.personInfo(3358).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @example <caption>Embed cast credits</caption>
   * TVmaze.personInfo(3358, true).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function personInfo(id, embed) {
    var apiURL = "/people/" + id;
    if (embed) {
      apiURL += "?embed=castcredits";
    return getJSON(rootURL + apiURL);

   * Retrieve all (show-level) cast credits for a person.
   * @param {Number} id TVmaze ID of the show.
   * @param {Boolean|null} embed If <b>true</b>, embeds full information for
   *     the shows and characters.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>} All (show-level) cast credits.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.personCastCredits(10260).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @example <caption>Embed show and character information</caption>
   * TVmaze.personCastCredits(10260, true).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function personCastCredits(id, embed) {
    var apiURL = "/people/" + id + "/castcredits";
    if (embed) {
      apiURL += "?embed=show";
    return getJSON(rootURL + apiURL);

   * Retrive all (show-level) crew credits for a person.
   * @param {Number} id TVmaze ID of the show.
   * @param {Boolean|null} embed If <b>true</b>, embeds full information for
   *     the shows.
   * @returns {Promise.<Array.<Object>>} All (show-level) crew credits.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.personCrewCredits(284).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @example <caption>Embed show information</caption>
   * TVmaze.personCrewCredits(284, true).then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function personCrewCredits(id, embed) {
    var apiURL = "/people/" + id + "/crewcredits";
    if (embed) {
      apiURL += "?embed=show";
    return getJSON(rootURL + apiURL);

   * Retrieve a list of all shows in the TVmaze database and the timestamp
   * when they were last updated.
   * @returns {Promise.<Object>} A list of all shows in the TVmaze database
   *     and the timestamp when they were updated.
   * @example
   * TVmaze.showUpdates().then(function(result) {
   *   console.log(result);
   * });
   * @memberof module:TVmaze
  function showUpdates() {
    return getJSON(rootURL + "/updates/shows");

  var publicAPI = {
    showSearch: showSearch,
    singleSearch: singleSearch,
    showLookup: showLookup,
    peopleSearch: peopleSearch,
    schedule: schedule,
    fullSchedule: fullSchedule,
    shows: shows,
    showEpisodeList: showEpisodeList,
    episodeByNumber: episodeByNumber,
    episodeByDate: episodeByDate,
    showCast: showCast,
    showAKAs: showAKAs,
    showIndex: showIndex,
    personInfo: personInfo,
    personCastCredits: personCastCredits,
    personCrewCredits: personCrewCredits,
    showUpdates: showUpdates

  return publicAPI;